Living in LA has taught me to never take parking spots for granted.
It's not unusual to cruise around, sometimes even 20-30 minutes.
As soon as we see one spot open, we pounce on it like it's prey.
Of course, even the vacancies aren't always an easy fit.
Before college, I've never had to Parallel Park.
Living at the apartments, I only Parallel Park.
Usually it takes me an average of about 5-7 tries (reverse, drive, reverse, drive..)
And that's WITH assistance. When I attempt solo, it's around 7-10.
Maybe that's a little exaggerated, but reality is, I sucked!
That is why today was an unusual and happy day.
After coming back from a dorm dinner, I was in search mode for an open spot.
I've noticed when I pray and ask God for a spot, I find one right away.
I did, but I didn't specify the size; it was barely big enough for my Civic.
I drove up, reversed into it like I'd been instructed to do/done before.
TO my surprise, It only took me like 3 tries!!! hALLELUJAh!! :)
Of course, I'm not perfect at it (yet). But my passengers do notice a more pruned, confident, experienced parallel-parker in me than before.
This little episode not only left me really shocked and slightly proud of this achievement, I realized something. I do believe every aspect of life can reflect and serve as metaphors for a greater truth. Even something like Parallel Parking.
1) I really sucked at it.
2) I kept doing it.
3) I got better!
Simple, but true. Why not apply this to other aspects of life, like discipline?
I realize I'm not the only one who struggles with doing daily devotionals.
Our spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. Maybe the spirit needs a boost too.
Anyways, although now we may be undisciplined, we (out of necessity) must keep at it.
And eventually, VOILA! It'll come naturally and flow out of habit/refined expertise.
Experience is the teacher. Even if it means lots of failed attempts.
So I do not run aimlessly; I do not box as one beating the air. But I discipline my body and keep it under control, lest after preaching to others I myself should be disqualified. 1 Corinthians 9:26-27