They say cooking is easier in baking, in that you are allowed to just toss stuff here and throw things there and Voila! You've created a Signature Dish!
Baking is not so, you actually have to follow the recipe to the exact measurements. If not, you can literally get attacked by a monster. My friend was trying to make something. She put a cup of mixture into the microwave, and minutes later we opened the door to gaseous fumes. First, everything seemed normal (beside the fumes). A couple seconds later, this charcoal grey BLOB starts oozing up from the cup! Of course we screamed... Finally we took it out and it looked like cancerous, frothy, tar, or dried lava. Anyways, not anything NEAR what it should have looked like.
So you gotta follow the recipe* (she said she did. so in this case, make sure the recipe you're following with is trustworthy).Today we have all the tools to help us bake/cook. And I still can't believe how precise you need to be. Even in cooking. Sometimes when a recipe calls for "one pinch" or "1/4 teaspoon" of something, I just don't put it in. What's the point, it's such a small amount! But surprisingly it makes the hugest difference, and can alter your ending product complETELY. Did I mention it has to be exact though? One time I put in 5 Tablespoons instead of Teaspoons of Baking Powder, and we got some NAAAAAAAASTY tortillas!
Anyways, this made me think about Evolution Versus Creationism. First of all, you can't cook without ingredients. In the same way, you can't evolve from nothing. And according to Wikipedia, "the Big Bang theory cannot and does not provide any explanation for such an initial condition; rather, it describes and explains the general evolution of the universe since that instant". Secondly, even if somehow "ingredients" appeared out of thin space, some "cook" had to have used the exact and precise measurements to create a habitable Earth, juuust the perfect distance from the Sun. "He" would also have had to have thrown together enough Bones for a sturdy structure, Muscles and tendons to fill in the gaps, blood to keep things going, organs to work for our health, skin and Hair to protect important parts, and teeth to be able to eat food; this is like the foundational cake. Tongues to experience the sweetness of fruits and treats, eyes to witness breathtaking and beautiful images, hands to be able to feel the warmth of a handshake, ears to hear melodious sonnets, noses to smell sweet aromas (or smoke): these are the icing. On top of that add the soul, spirit, heart. These are the whipped cream, nuts, and cherry-on-top.
This "cook" had to use exact measurements to ensure that bodies would function the way they are able to. Such an unprecedented masterpiece as this cannot possibly have just been "by chance" or even "thrown together". This is not even the art of baking. This is the work of a wonderful creator. "For the LORD is the great God... the LORD our Maker" Psalm 95
haha clever clever. i wasl ike - how does baking and evolution have anything to do with each other? clever clever