i feel imaginary icicles frollicking in my room. i feel my hands, very cold. i no longer feel my feet. Gotta wear them fuzzies indoors at all times. Cannot leave the house without a scarf and hefty jacket to layer. If you leave early in the morning, you should give your car a good few minutes to warm up from being frozen all night. IT'S HERE!!!!!!! WINTER~!
Just as much as we need to clothe ourselves extra warmly with multiple layers and fuzzy coverings, same goes for the internal and unseen. Though physical weather changes are more apparent and evident, our emotions and spiritual state can and will be affected by this present change in season as well. It can be swayed either way. Likewise, let's gird up ourselves, strengthen our hearts and will, in Christ Jesus- the one who's greater than the storm, stronger than the season. Put your faith in him, and you're clinging to a hope eternal. Let's do it!
yessssss physical affects the spiritual.. def i need to prepareeeeeeeeee in Him! btw, i really like those colors of your sweater, scarf, and jacket hehe <3
RépondreSupprimerwhy thank you kristnah~ :)
RépondreSupprimerlet's gear up!!!! <3
And Hebrews 12:12 too. ;)