Today, I went to the mall with some friends for the first time in awhile. Due to the nature of the evening, I had to have a "nice" dress; so we decided to browse around and *help Shalom find one*. Honestly, it was fun just walking around looking into each window to see what it had to offer. We walked into one dress store and started picking and choosing potential candidates, creating a mini-pile of options. One of the pool was turquoise with white and black stripes, which I called Tigress. (If my friends weren't there, I would never have even thought of trying it on). They were all 'cute' but a bit showy and suggestive. Then there was the "Wahn-jun eppuh" (completely pretty). It was black and velvety, and seemed on the more conservative side, while still being elegant and classy. We unanimously decided, "It's perfect." It was, *The One*. Sure a bit pricey, but what an investment! I could wear this to so many events~! So I bought it. Final Sale. No turning back.
I dropped off my friends, rushed home (only had 20 min. to get ready) tried on the dress and ran downstairs to show my brother and mom. "I'm ready! How do I look?" [smile]. [Blank Stare] Not the response I expected... Actually, I got: "I cannot approve" and a couple other comments. I was flabbergasted. But, it was perfect, it was the one. Didn't they know?? Can't they see???
But I ran upstairs and put on another dress, the one I'd wore for graduation (more flowy, longer, white and black). I was still confused in my head while I ran back down to hear an approving "Ah yes, that's better! That's the one!"
Shortly after I realized that I had been mistaken. I had been blinded and naive. I had compared the dress with all the other dresses in the store. However 'appropriate and perfect' it may have seemed then, it was exposed for what it was through the eyes of my family: tight-fitting, short, potentially suggestive, probably stumbling. I was so shocked, almost angry that I had let myself naively consider this dress "ok" to wear. I was so thankful that last minute I realized. Although this may seem a waste of money (and I don't have a desire to give to another sister), I am surprisingly not regretful of this purchase. I am actually very glad, and mostly thankful for this opportunity, this lesson learned. This will serve as a reminder, to open my eyes and consider not only myself, but how my decisions will impact those around. So before purchasing that cute shirt or nice dress, consider thoroughly.
mm, thanks so much for this post shalom (: i think that's one thing i've been struggling with in LIFE- always comparing myself to the other dresses/people/environment around me to see if it barely makes the mark of being just okay enough. i really needed this reminder (:
RépondreSupprimerit was a date with patrick huh!?!
RépondreSupprimerhaha nice note shalom! def something to think about...
RépondreSupprimerbut i cannot help but many of my outfits/dress you must disapprove of!! LOL!!! does this mean i should throw them away lest i may "stumble" others?? i never thought them to be but now that u point yourself out...but now i wonder what you must think of them! hahah
p.s. you should return it and save yourself the $80! then it will be a lesson learn with $80 earned! =)
deng shalom, your family is pretty awesome! and the way you take it is even more awesome =) i actually got lectured at my internship by the director (shes a lady, of course) about how i should dress more moderately i guess.. even though i didnt think it was bad at all.. and recently stumbled upon this
RépondreSupprimernow THAT was pretty straight forward.. haha but seriously, its so encouraging to know there are sisters like you =)
p.s. i got your postcard! thank you <3 we should meet up some time and you should tell me more about japan =)