honestly, it was very challenging.
hiking in the heat of the day, carrying gallons of water.
also, for food challenge/training,
we faced the RETURN OF BBEUN DAE-GI!!!
& the gasoline i mean Durian wafers.
I feel like these things are meant to remind me of how weak I am.
I especially hate the crunchy part. & the flakiness of the wafers..
But the good points we reaped from today:
1. Suffering together = Team bonding, Learning how to love each other.
2. Be prepared at all times to share the gospel to any stranger/friend.
3. Know your Bible. finally, Roll up your sleeves to avoid farmer's tan.
God is good & His creation testifies of His wonder & glory. Peace!
lol your worst enemy - bbeun dae-gi - dun dun dunnnn.