mercredi 28 janvier 2009


(sound like a city in the OT?)

Roberto Saviano, 29, has successfully infiltrated the Mafia in Naples.

Wanting to be a writer of truth, real life instead of fiction, he plunged himself into the investigating the world of camorristi, or Camorra. aka, the mafia.

He, in his book, not only reveals "le système" of all the economic dealings and what he's seen and been through, but also exposes many Perrin, or "Godfather" along with many other thugs of the criminal world. And they're pretty pissed off for being thus openly exposed.

Now, life is lonely and dangerous. Many people are after him, but thanks to supporters, he is under protection of the State (a bullet-proof car and 5 bodyguards). He calls them his "anges gardiens" Guardian angels. *wink*

Yet, he continues to write.

"Je n'ai rien écrit de nouveau, tout était déjà connu, affirme aujourd'hui cet admirateur de Camus et de Pasolini. J'ai seulement assemblé des données et des histoires, dans un cadre où les épisodes criminels acquièrent une tout autre dimension. Il ne faut jamais avoir peur de dire la vérité. Même si j'en paie les conséquences, je sais qu'il fallait le faire."

I haven't written anything new, everything was already known. I only gathered the given stories in a frame where criminal episodes acquired another dimension. One should never have fear to speak the truth. Even if I pay the consequences, I know it's necessary.

Now... does this ring a bell

1 commentaire:

  1. oh man... literally chills down my spine.
    true that man. true that.
    wow shalom you're blogging a lot! it is good stuff!
