jeudi 16 décembre 2010

"Do not worry"

I just put these in the ground. My neighbor kindly gave me three bulbs of Lilies with the verse "Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin, yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these." Matthew 6:25-34.

I also received a bag full of seed bulbs in the summer, and they've started to bloom as well. As I looked at them soaking up the sun, I suddenly realized...
God is reminding me not to worry!

Sure these times can be anything but peace and love and comfort, yet still.. amidst it all, do not worry. Trust.

samedi 11 décembre 2010

Holiday cookies.

These days I've been having my fill of holiday cookies, some of which I [helped] bake. The swirly one in the picture above is a chocolate vanilla swirl sugar cookie with peppermint candy bits in the middle. This was super fun but HARD to make! One quote I retained from the lady who was directing us... "This is hard, you're being so exact"
"That's because even one little mistake could mess the whole recipe up."

If my life were me baking a cookie, I wonder how precise the end goal would be. Am I cutting corners? Am I doing enough to just get by? Am I striving for excellency? Will I end up with a delicious cookie?

Thoughts to munch on this holiday season~ :)