On Saturday we started a dance group, nothing crazy just learning how to do some basic stuff for people who are interested in getting better. Our friend taught us a piece from her hip-hop group. Initially, I could not keep up with the moves! Every time I started to get one down, we learned another faster harder one, and I couldn't connect the two together. I started feeling frustrated and hopeless, like I was never going to get it. I even thought, "I should just quit, I'm no good I'm no good, I look so weird,
Why am I even here?
But after many run through's and going step-by-step from the top, it slowly started to sink in. It also helped that others were almost as lost (if not more) than I was (which made me secretly feel better). When we tried the routine with the music it was chaotic, but hopeful; at least we were able to mark the moves. After several more tries, I realized I was picking it up and felt really giddy inside. I'd come so far, farther than I'd ever imagined myself from when I first started.
So I'm studying for GRE's. And one of my arch-enemies in this life is Math. Oh how I loathe it beyond other school subjects! As I sat at Panera Bread trying to depict what x% of y% of z% x 9999 - the average of h .... was, I wanted to throw down my pen (yes, I do math with a pen, it's a French thing), scream, and never see another math problem ever again. however, I restrained myself and tried to interpret the mysterious question again. I ended up reading it over many many times before I slowly started scratching the surface of its meaning - hope. I'd come a lot further than I'd ever imagined from when I first saw this problem.
Endurance. Diligence. Perseverance, whatever you call it, you need it. You need to KEEP going. If you give up when it seems tough, that's how far you'll ever get. If you keep at it even though it feels you could die from frustration, you will experience progress, I promise. And isn't that worth a little pain? Remember, what doesn't kill you will only make you stronger. And when you're stronger, just imagine what heavy things you can lift/shove out of your way. :)