lundi 16 mars 2009


"An Urgent Message, (March 7)"


lundi 9 mars 2009


Michel-Ange : La Création d'Adam, fresque de la Chapelle Sixtine.

In this painting, we have Man represented by Adam on the left, and God on the right.

Let's analyze. Who is making the effort in this scene?

Clearly, God is doing all He can: Going against the wind, beard blowing around, turned towards Adam, Fully outstretched arms and hand and finger.

Adam: By the way his arm's leaning casually, we can say that he'd been gazing in the other direction, just chilling nonchalantly, barely exerting any force or effort to make the connection.

Closer Look: There is no connection. No physical touch.
HOWEVER!!!!!!! Look how close the fingers are! Not a long way off at all. God has already extended as much as He can. All MAN needs to do, is flick his finger up 1 cm! The ball is in his court to act (or not).

Does this put things into perspective?

(image from

mardi 3 mars 2009


Concerning My friend:

One day, I shared with him the gospel.
The next day, I handed him a verse-a-day calendar.
Today, he was offered an opportunity.
This weekend, he might come to a retreat.
Next week, we're going to a Christian event.
One day, he might meet Christ.

WHAT JOY it is!
To know that we are not alone.
To know that we are not without help.
To know that we are surrounded by brothers and sisters.
To know One God, one vision, one goal, it's one der ful!

I thought, "this is it.. Now or never!" Blood on my hands! So I desperately blurt out all I could.
I don't know another way to put it but "unsuccessful, unwise in all aspects." That day left me very discouraged.
I thought it was over.

It's never over.

Some say people need to hear the gospel 7 times before they consider it.
Who knows if it's the first, the 3rd, or the 7th? They all play their crucial role.

I was the 6th.
I found out later that my other friend started talking to her. (She was the "7th")
What relief! That my 'failure' wasn't the end of the story! It was a stepping stone that fueled her curiosity to accept another invitation.. that leads her ultimately to the crossss! WHAT JOY!!!
Again, after having invited a friend to a soirée d'évangelisation, I was sad that she didn't reply to my text if she was coming or not. Later she showed up with my other friends; they had met on the way there (she was lost) and they came all together! What JOY!!!
Why worry?? The pieces come together in the end. Trust God.
It's so relieving, so calming and peace-inducing. To Let go and Let God. Stress or not, it'll be okay. Doubt does not change truth.
Story: A guy from Brasil, who never seen snow in his life went to Northern Canada, where there's TONS of it! To get to where he wanted, he had to cross a lake that was frozen over, iced. He was scared to cross it, how was he supposed to know if it would be stable?? He got on all fours and started slowly creeping his way across. Just then, another guy, a Canadian who's seen snow and frozen lakes before, went zooooming by on his bicycle over the lake confidently. It's kind of like that with faith. We all have it, some just different levels. Whether we cross cautiously on all fours or we speed across without a doubt, we in the end cross that lake.

Many times I feel like the guy on all fours. Hehe.
God give me strength to rise up and speed with all I have towards you!!

Why worry when we can trust?
God makes me so happy. He cares.